Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Evaluation of Adsorption Therapy in Critically Ill Covid-19 Patients

Evaluation of Adsorption Therapy as an Extracorporeal Blood Purification Technique in Critically Ill Covid-19 Patients

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Dünyaca Ünlü Gastroenteroloji Profesörü Markus Lerch, Türkçe COVID-19 Bilgilendirme Videosu Hazırladı


Dünyaca Ünlü Gastroenteroloji Profesörü Markus Lerch, Almanya’da Yaşayan Türkler İçin Türkçe COVID-19 Bilgilendirme Videosu Hazırladı.

Prof. Dr. Markus Lerch, Rheinland’da büyüyüp Albert-Ludwigs-Universität’te aldığı eğitimle Almanya’da önemli bir kariyere sahip olan bir Tıp Profesörü’dür. Uluslararası deneyimleri arasında Glasgow Üniversitesi, Toronto Üniversitesi ve Massachusetts Üniversitesi yer almaktadır. Pankreatit üzerine yaptığı deneysel çalışmalarla 1994 yılında habilitasyonunu tamamlamış ve önemli bir akademik kariyere sahip olmuştur. Lerch, çeşitli üniversitelerde öğretim üyeliği yapmış, gastroenteroloji, endokrinoloji ve biyokimya alanlarında uzmanlık kazanmış bir iç hastalıkları uzmanıdır. Aynı zamanda Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie, Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS) başkanlığı gibi önemli görevlerde bulunmuş ve pek çok bilimsel dergide editörlük yapmıştır.
Profesör Markus Lerch, Almanya’da yaşayan Türk toplumu için özel olarak hazırladığı Türkçe kaynaklar ve bilgilendirme videoları ile dikkat çekiyor. COVID-19 salgınına karşı mücadelede, Türkçe konuşan izleyicilere yönelik sunduğu sağlık ile ilgili bilgiler, öneriler ve güncel gelişmeleri içeren videolar, Almanya’da yaşayan Türkler arasında geniş bir izleyici kitlesi bulmuştur.
Lerch’in bu özel çabaları, Almanya’da yaşayan Türk toplumunun sağlık bilincini artırmaya yönelik önemli bir adım olarak değerlendiriliyor. Bu videolar, salgın sürecinde bilinçli kararlar alabilmek ve sağlıklarını korumak isteyen izleyicilere rehberlik etmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Lerch, sadece bilimsel alandaki katkıları ile değil, aynı zamanda topluluklara yönelik özel çabalarıyla da salgınla mücadelede aktif bir rol oynuyor. Bu çabalar, pandeminin etkilerini azaltmak ve sağlık bilincini artırmak adına Almanya’da yaşayan Türkler arasında olumlu bir etki yaratmıştır.
Prof. Dr. Markus Lerch halen Almanya’nın Münih şehrindeki LMU Klinikum’un yöneticisidir.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Yoğun Bakımda Kan İhtiyacı: Almanya'daki Tazminat Destekli Kan Bağışı Modeli Türkiye'de Kan Arzındaki Düşüşe Potansiyel Bir Çözüm Olabilir Mi?

22. Ulusal Yoğun Bakım Kongresi 22-25 Şubat 2024

Yoğun Bakımda Kan İhtiyacı: Almanya'daki Tazminat Destekli Kan Bağışı Modeli Türkiye'de Kan Arzındaki Düşüşe Potansiyel Bir Çözüm Olabilir Mi?

Doç. Dr. Mehmet Eren Yüksel
Ankara Etlik Şehir Hastanesi, Cerrahi Yoğun Bakım Ünitesi

Giriş / Amaç: Türkiye ve Almanya'daki kan bağışı sistemlerinin benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları bulunmaktadır. İşbu kapsamlı analiz, kan bağışında her iki ülkedeki yaş ve sağlık gerekliliklerini, bulaşıcı hastalık testlerini ve tazminat politikalarını incelemektedir.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Her iki ülkedeki sağlık otoritelerinden elde ettiğimiz bilgilerin ışığında yaptığımız çalışmamızda kan bağışında sağlık gerekliliklerini, bulaşıcı hastalık test protokollerini ve tazminat politikalarını ayrıntılı olarak inceledik.

Bulgular: Her iki ülkede de kan bağışında yaş sınırlaması (18-65 yaş) vardır; kapsamlı bir tarama süreci bağışçıların sağlık geçmişlerinin ve potansiyel risk faktörlerinin sorgulanmasını içermektedir; HIV, Hepatit B ve C ile sifiliz testleri yapılmaktadır. Ancak, Almanya gönüllü kan bağışının yanı sıra kan bağışı yapan kişilere tazminat verilmesine / ödeme yapılmasına (20 ila 50 Euro) izin verirken, Türkiye yalnızca gönüllü / karşılıksız yapılan kan bağışına izin vermektedir. Almanya’da farklı kan bağışı türlerine farklı ödemeler yapılmaktadır: 2023 yılında tam kan bağışına 25 Euro ödeme yapılırken, aferez trombosit bağışı yapılması durumunda verilen ücret 50 Euro'dur. Ayrıca, Almanya’da söz konusu ödemeler maliyeti karşılayan ve kan bağışını destekleyen bir teşvik aracı olarak görülmektedir. Türkiye'de ise Türk Kızılay tarafından desteklenen gönüllü kan bağışına vurgu yapılmaktadır.

Tartışma / Sonuç: Farklı tazminat politikaları her ülkenin kan bağışını teşvik etmek için kullandığı farklı stratejilerin altını çizmektedir. Almanya'nın kan bağışı için tazminatı bir teşvik olarak görmesi, Türkiye'nin tamamen gönüllülük esasına dayanan kan bağışı politikası ile çelişmektedir. Her iki ülke de kan güvenliğine öncelik verirken, her iki ülkenin tazminat konusunda farklı yaklaşımları mevcuttur. Türkiye’de kan bağışında azalma olduğu takdirde, Almanya’daki tazminat destekli kan bağışı sisteminin Türkiye'de uygulanıp uygulanamayacağı incelenmelidir. Türkiye ve Almanya arasındaki kan bağışının teşviği hususundaki farklılıkların ayrıntılı olarak incelenmesi, kan bağışı sistemlerini optimize etmek ve güvenli kan tedarik sistemini devam ettirebilmek hususunda faydalı olabilir.

Anahtar Kelimeler : Almanya ,  kan bağışı ,  tazminat ,  Türkiye

Türk Kızılay. Kan Bağışı. Sık sorulan sorular. Link: https://www.kizilay.org.tr/sss?id=6. Erişim tarihi:15.Kasım.2023
Blutspenden. Almanya Federal Cumhuriyeti resmi kan bağışı bilgilendirme sitesi. Link: https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/aktuelles/blutspenden-faq-2195306. Erişim tarihi: 15.Kasım.2023
Die Deutschen spenden wieder weniger Blut. Link: https://de.statista.com/infografik/9781/zahl-der-blutspenden-in-deutschland/? Erişim tarihi: 15.Kasım.2023
Studien: Wie viele Menschen spenden Blut? https://www.blutspenden.de/infothek/studien/#:~:text=47%20Prozent%20der%20Menschen%20in,Frauen%20sind%20es%2043%20Prozent. Erişim tarihi:15.Kasım.2023

Friday, November 17, 2023

Prof. Dr. Markus Lerch 17.11.2023

Degerli meslektasim Mehmet Eren Yüksel,

göndermis oldugunuz Kitaplar elime ulasti, bu güzel Hediyeniz ve ince düsünceniz icin size cok tesekkür ediyorum.

Bircok ögrenciye ve hastaya isik olmasi ümidiyle.


Greifswald`da birlikte gecirdigimiz zamani – kisa da olsa – sevgiyle hatirliyorum.

Türkiye`de parlak bir kariyere sahip oldugunuzu sevinc ve hayranlikla görüyorum.

Artik Türkiye`den o kadar cok calisanim var ki, sizin dilinize de odaklanmam gerekiyor.


Vidoenun baglantisi:





Prof. Dr. Markus. M. Lerch

Ärztlicher Direktor und Vorstandsvorsitzender


LMU Klinikum 

Ärztliche Direktion

Campus Großhadern/Innenstadt  | Marchioninistr. 15  |  81377 München

Tel. 089 4400-72101 |  Fax 089 4400-72102

aed@med.uni-muenchen.de | www.lmu-klinikum.de


Das Klinikum der Universität München ist eine Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts (AöR)


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Uluslararası Pilonidal Hastalık Konferansı 2 Aralık 2023

Uluslararası Pilonidal Hastalık (Kıl Dönmesi) Konferansı Danimarka’nın Kopenhag Şehrinde Düzenlenecek
Tıp doktorları, hastalar ve araştırmacılar tarafından büyük bir ilgiyle takip edilen Uluslararası Pilonidal Hastalık Konferansı’nda, “kıl dönmesi” olarak da bilinen pilonidal hastalığın tedavisine ilişkin en son gelişmeler ele alınacak. Avustralyalı Dr. Peter Wysocki, Uluslararası Pilonidal Topluluğu’nun (IPS) Başkanı olarak bu önemli konferansa liderlik ediyor ve Danimarkalı Dr. Susanne Haas ile birlikte 2.Aralık.2023 tarihinde bu konferansı düzenleyecek.
Uluslararası Pilonidal Hastalık Konferansı’na Türkiye’den Ankara Etlik Şehir Hastanesi’nde Genel Cerrahi ve Yoğun Bakım Uzmanı olarak çalışan Doç. Dr. Mehmet Eren Yüksel’in de konuşmacı olarak davet edildiği öğrenildi.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

3rd International Pilonidal Conference

Surgeons Should Submit Pilonidal Disease Specimens To The Pathology Department For Histopathological Examination, If Pilonidal Disease Is Not Classified Within The Tissue Exemption List Of Their Institutions, Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Eren Yuksel

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Co-Locating Laryngeal Mask Airways With Automated External Defibrillators May Improve Cardiac Emergency Response


Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi 7. Uluslararası Sağlık Bilimleri ve Yaşam Kongresi 7-9 Mart 2024


Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Eren Yuksel

Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Ankara, Turkiye,

e-mail: doctormehmeteren@yahoo.com


Background: Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) requires rapid intervention, and automated external defibrillator (AED) has proven indispensable in this context. Effective airway management is equally vital for successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This study explores the integration of laryngeal mask airway (LMA) alongside AED in public access areas to hasten the cardiac emergency response. Aim: Our goal is to assess the feasibility and potential benefits of co-locating LMA with AED in public access areas. Methods: This investigation involves a comprehensive review of medical literature gathered from PubMed and Google Scholar. We analyze the advantages and difficulties of combining LMA and AED. The evaluation considers LMA’s effectiveness in managing airway during various medical emergencies. We also address training programs, maintenance, legal implications, resource allocation, and cost-effectiveness. Results: While the number of studies on the combination of LMA with AED is limited, co-locating LMA and AED points out the potential to significantly reduce response times. This, in turn, improves the likelihood of initiating successful CPR during cardiac arrests. LMA also provides more efficient airway management, increasing the chances of successful resuscitation. LMA’s user-friendly nature makes it accessible to both medical professionals and laypersons. Nevertheless, challenges include the need for well-structured training programs, maintenance procedures, and consideration of legal aspects. Discussion and Conclusion: The rapid airway management capability of LMA makes it invaluable in emergencies. Combining LMA with AED offers the prospect of enhancing cardiac emergency response and potentially saving lives. Achieving this goal requires collaborative efforts among medical professionals, regulatory bodies, training organizations, legal experts, and the community. Decisions in this regard should be based on a thorough risk-benefit analysis.

Keywords: Cardiac emergency response, Laryngeal mask airway, Automated external defibrillator, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Public access areas


Huseyin Bugra Sahin*, Mehmet Eren Yuksel*

*Etlik City Hospital, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Ankara, Turkiye

e-mail: h.b.sahin97@gmail.com

Introduction: Mechanical ventilation is vital in the intensive care unit (ICU), providing life support to patients with respiratory failure. The GE Healthcare Carescape R860 Mechanical Ventilator offers various ventilation modes (A/C VC, A/C PC, A/C PRVC, SIMV/VC, SIMV/PC, CPAP/PS, SBT, BiLevel, BiLevel VG, APRV, VS, NIV). However, resetting pressure-controlled ventilation modes such as synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation/pressure control (SIMV/PC) and airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) is challenging.

Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the challenges faced by healthcare professionals when readjusting the GE Healthcare Carescape R860 Mechanical Ventilator post-aspiration and apnea events, particularly following endotracheal tube and oral cavity cleaning. Prolonged aspiration events triggered the backup mode. Therefore, we aimed to identify areas for improvement of adjustment of mechanical ventilator settings, thereby enhancing patient care in the ICU.

Method: A one-day observational study in the intensive care unit focused on nurses' experiences when adjusting the ventilator after aspiration and apnea events. We recorded settings and documented difficulties encountered.

Findings: Nurses encountered significant challenges in restoring pressure-controlled ventilation modes, especially SIMV/PC and APRV modes. In contrast, they found it easy to readjust volume-controlled modes such as synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation/volume control (SIMV/VC) and assist-control/pressure-regulated volume control (AC/PRVC).

Discussion and Conclusion: Difficulties in resetting pressure-controlled ventilation modes may impact patient care, particularly in high-stress situations. Improved personnel training and a user-friendly mechanical ventilator interface might be the solution. This study highlights challenges in re-establishing pressure-controlled ventilation modes on the mechanical ventilator. Further research and potential interface modifications are essential for efficient patient care.

Keywords: Aspiration events, mechanical ventilation, nursing practices, pressure-controlled ventilation, volume-controlled ventilation


Oğuzhan Ölmez*, Barış Cem Bülbül*,  Ahsen Kalender*, Mehmet Eren Yüksel** 

* Etlik City Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Ankara, Turkiye

e-mail: olmez_oguzhan@hotmail.com 

** Etlik City Hospital, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Ankara, Turkiye

e-mail: doctormehmeteren@yahoo.com


Background: Cholecystectomy is a standard procedure for gallbladder-related issues, providing relief for most patients. However, a subset continues to experience dyspepsia postoperatively. Recent observations suggest that alkaline reflux gastritis, characterized by pyloric relaxation and duodenogastric bile reflux, may contribute to persistent dyspepsia in these individuals. Aim: This study explores the potential benefits of preoperative upper gastrointestinal endoscopy before cholecystectomy in identifying patients at risk for post-cholecystectomy dyspepsia due to duodenogastric bile reflux. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted, encompassing relevant literature. Google Scholar and PubMed databases were searched for studies on dyspeptic symptoms post-cholecystectomy and their association with alkaline reflux gastritis. Results: During upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, a subset of patients with post-cholecystectomy dyspepsia exhibited signs of alkaline reflux gastritis. Pyloric dilation and retrograde bile flow from the duodenum were observed. Literature review supported the idea that duodenogastric bile reflux might contribute to persistent dyspepsia after cholecystectomy. Discussion and Conclusion: These findings underscore the potential value of incorporating preoperative upper gastrointestinal endoscopy as a screening tool. Identifying patients at risk for alkaline reflux gastritis may allow for more targeted interventions, potentially preventing unnecessary cholecystectomy. These observations prompt further investigation into the mechanisms and risk factors associated with post-cholecystectomy dyspepsia. Preoperative upper gastrointestinal endoscopy could be a valuable tool in identifying the etiology of post-cholecystectomy dyspepsia. Recognition of alkaline reflux gastritis through pyloric dilation and duodenogastric bile reflux can guide clinical decision-making, potentially sparing individuals from unwarranted cholecystectomy.

Keywords: Alkaline Reflux Gastritis, Bile Reflux, Cholecystectomy, Dyspepsia, Pyloric Dilation, Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy


Aziz Ahmet ULAŞ*, Mehmet Eren YÜKSEL**

*Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Ankara, Turkiye azizahmetulas@gmail.com

**Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Ankara, Turkiye



Background: Following femoral fractures, pulmonary embolism (PE) is a serious consequence that requires immediate detection and treatment. For prompt care, orthopedic surgery residents must be informed of the early indicators of PE. Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate orthopedic surgery residents' awareness and understanding of PE after femoral fractures. Methods: To evaluate previous research on orthopedic surgery residents' awareness and comprehension of PE after femoral fractures, a review of the literature was performed by searching PubMed and Google Scholar with terms "femoral fracture", "pulmonary embolism" and "orthopedic surgery resident” between 2010 and 2023. Results: Few studies explicitly addressed orthopedic surgery residents' awareness and knowledge of PE after femoral fractures. However, existing research on physicians' general understanding of PE has highlighted the significance of early identification and timely therapy in order to enhance patient outcomes. Discussion: It is critical to evaluate orthopedic surgery residents' awareness and knowledge of PE, given the high prevalence of this complication after femoral fractures. To further improve resident education and patient care in this setting, more research is necessary. This includes developing focused educational interventions and putting standardized protocols into place.  Conclusion: This study emphasizes how important it is to conduct more research in the future to assess and resolve any knowledge gaps orthopedic surgery residents may have regarding PE after femoral fractures. Improving resident education in this field may result in better patient outcomes and a decrease in PE-related morbidity.

Keywords: diagnosis, femoral fractures, orthopedic surgery residents, pulmonary embolism 

Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Kongresi 2023

Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 2. Uluslararası / 5. Ulusal Sağlık Hizmetleri Kongresi 02 – 04 Kasım 2023



Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Eren Yuksel

Etlik City Hospital, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Ankara, Türkiye

Introduction: Acute thrombosed hemorrhoids cause severe pain, necessitating effective pain management. This study explores Patient-Controlled Epidural Analgesia (PCEA) as a non-surgical solution for acute thrombosed hemorrhoids, comparing its merits and drawbacks to surgical intervention.

Purpose: This study aims to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of PCEA in managing acute thrombosed hemorrhoids as an alternative to surgical procedures.

Method: A literature review was conducted using PubMed and Google Scholar. Key search terms included "acute thrombosed hemorrhoids," "pain management," "patient-controlled epidural analgesia," and "Visual Analog Scale (VAS)."

Findings: The literature review unveiled limited studies on PCEA for acute thrombosed hemorrhoids. Nevertheless, PCEA enables patients to self-administer analgesics, providing rapid pain relief and potentially reducing the need for surgery. VAS scores indicated a notable pain reduction with PCEA.

Discussion and Conclusion: The importance of individualized pain control and potential challenges like over/undermedication, equipment complexity, and opioid-related side effects must be underscored. In conclusion, PCEA offers a non-surgical, pain-relief approach for acute thrombosed hemorrhoids, even with limited studies. Careful patient selection and proper device training are critical for optimal results.

Keywords: Patient-controlled epidural analgesia, acute thrombosed hemorrhoids, pain management, non-surgical approach, visual analog scale


Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Eren Yuksel

Etlik City Hospital, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Ankara, Türkiye

Introduction: Granulomatous mastitis, a rare benign breast condition, necessitates personalized corticosteroid regimens for effective management. This condition's complexity and variable clinical manifestations require a comprehensive examination of various corticosteroid treatment approaches. We explore this phenomenon by thoroughly studying the various regimens available.

Purpose: The primary aim of this study is to review and compare corticosteroid treatment regimens for granulomatous mastitis. By doing so, we aim to compare different therapy regimens in order to find a common ground and reach a universally accepted corticosteroid regimen, thus ensuring a more standardized and effective approach to treatment.

Method: Our research approach involved a comprehensive literature review, utilizing PubMed and Google Scholar to investigate various corticosteroid regimens in the treatment of granulomatous mastitis.

Findings: Prednisolone and methylprednisolone emerged as common choices. Prednisolone, often administered as 5 mg tablets, is prescribed in a reducing dose regimen over 12 days, with an initial high dose of 12 tablets on the first day. In contrast, methylprednisolone starts with an 8 mg dose in the first week, reduces to 4 mg in the second week, and further tapers to 2 mg over a 6-week period. Notably, these regimens have been successfully implemented at Gazi University School of Medicine, Department of General Surgery.

Discussion and Conclusion: The analysis of these findings underscores the importance of individualized corticosteroid regimens based on the patient's unique clinical presentation and response to therapy. These diverse approaches help manage granulomatous mastitis effectively and reduce associated symptoms. Personalized treatment regimens should be at the forefront of healthcare practices for this rare breast condition. While there is currently no universally accepted corticosteroid treatment regimen, our study emphasizes the need to work towards a consensus in order to improve patient care.

Keywords: Corticosteroids, Granulomatous Mastitis, Treatment Regimens, Personalized Care

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Atlas of General Surgery - Primary Atlas - News




Doç. Dr. Mehmet Eren Yüksel'in daha önce Türkçe olarak yayınlanan ve tıp fakültelerinde okutulan Genel Cerrahi Atlası şimdi de İngilizce olarak uluslararası alanda yabancı tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin hizmetinde. Ayrıca,  Türkiye'de yabancı dilde eğitim ve öğretim yapan tıp fakültelerinde yardımcı kaynak olarak kullanılabilecek olan Genel Cerrahi Atlası İlk Atlas yayınlandı.

Genel Cerrahi Atlası İlk Atlas - Haberler


Tıp Eğitimine Büyük Katkı

Genel Cerrahi Atlası İlk Atlas Artık İngilizce Olarak Okuyucularla Buluşuyor

Genel Cerrahi Atlası İlk Atlas Artık İngilizce Olarak Okuyucularla Buluşuyor

Tıp eğitiminde ilk olan ve İngilizceye çevrilen Genel Cerrahi Atlası'nın yazarı Doç. Dr. Mehmet Eren Yüksel Sancak Haber'e özel açıklamada bulundu; 

Sürekli gelişen bilim ve teknoloji ile birlikte tıp dünyasında yeni tedavi yöntemleri ve cerrahi teknikler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Ancak, tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin eğitimleri boyunca öğrenmeleri, okumaları ve içselleştirmeleri gereken bilgi miktarı da giderek artmaktadır. Genel cerrahi ders kitapları çok önemli bilgiler içerse de, konularla ilgili öğretici görsellerde eksiklikler mevcuttur. Öğrenmeyi ve anlamayı kolaylaştırmak için, sık karşılaşılan cerrahi olgulara odaklanan daha fazla görselin ders kitaplarına dahil edilmesi faydalı olacaktır. Şu an mevcut olan cerrahi atlaslar cerrahi tekniklere odaklanmaktadır. Ancak, tıp öğrencilerinin cerrahi hastalıkların tanı ve tedavisini anlamaları da önemlidir. Bu ihtiyacı karşılamak için, incelenen konularla ilgili resimler ve açıklayıcı notlar içeren bir genel cerrahi atlası değerli bir kaynak olacaktır.” diyen Doç. Dr. Mehmet Eren Yüksel daha önce Türkçe olarak yayınlanan Genel Cerrahi Atlası İlk Atlas’ın İngilizce olarak yeniden basıldığını belirtti.

Tıp fakültesi öğrencilerine genel cerrahinin temel bilgilerini resimler ve kısa açıklamalar aracılığıyla öğretmeyi amaçlayarak tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin genel cerrahi dalına ilgisini arttırmayı hedefleyen Doç. Dr. Mehmet Eren Yüksel, Genel Cerrahi Atlası'nın hem uluslararası alanda hem de Türkiye’de yabancı dille eğitim-öğretim yapan tıp fakültelerinde öğrencilere faydalı bir eser olacağını belirtti.

Doç. Dr. Mehmet Eren Yüksel ayrıca, umarız ki “Genel Cerrahi Atlası – İlk Atlas”, tıp eğitimine katkıda bulunacak ve tıp öğrencileri için değerli bir kaynak olacaktır. Bu amaçla İngilizce'ye çevrilen atlas yurtdışındaki üniversitelerde derslerde okutulacak ve kütüphanelerde yerini alacaktır" ifadelerini kullandı.

Monday, October 09, 2023

Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Eren YUKSEL

Associate Professor Mehmet Eren Yuksel completed his medical education at Ankara University School of Medicine in 2004. Subsequently, he was awarded a joint scholarship from the Turkish Education Foundation (TEV) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), enabling him to obtain a Master's degree in Molecular Bioengineering at Dresden Technical University in Germany. In 2007, he successfully passed the German Medical Degree Equivalency Exam.

Following this accomplishment, Dr. Yuksel pursued further training as a resident in the Department of Internal Medicine at Fachkrankenhaus Coswig and Greifswald University Faculty of Medicine hospitals. In 2010, he achieved success in the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and obtained certification from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG).

In 2014, Dr. Yuksel graduated from the Department of General Surgery at Gazi University School of Medicine. Over the subsequent three years, he served as a specialist in general surgery at Zonguldak Devrek State Hospital. From 2017 to 2019, he held a faculty position in the Department of General Surgery at Aksaray University School of Medicine. Between 2019 and 2022, he completed a fellowship program in Intensive Care Medicine at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University School of Medicine.

Dr. Yuksel's significant contributions to the field include the authorship of several books, such as "Medical Education and Specialization in Germany," "Medical Education and Specialization in the United States," "Medical Communication in German," and "Master's and Doctoral Education in Germany." Additionally, he has authored various professional articles.

Currently, Dr. Yuksel serves as an Intensive Care Specialist in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit at Ankara Etlik City Hospital.

Atlas of General Surgery - Primary Atlas


General surgery is a crucial branch of medicine that encompasses a wide range of topics and treatments, including the management of electrolyte and fluid balance, shock, wound healing, surgical infections, trauma, burns, critical care, transplantation, malignant melanoma, thyroid and parathyroid gland diseases, breast diseases, gastroesophageal reflux, hernias, acute abdomen, appendicitis, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestinal diseases, morbid obesity, minimally invasive surgery, and anorectal region disorders.

With the constant advancement in science and technology, new treatment methods and surgical techniques are being developed regularly. As a result, the volume of information that medical students must learn, read, and internalize during their education, particularly during their clerkships, is growing. While general surgery textbooks provide a wealth of information, they often lack instructional illustrations related to the topics being studied. It would be useful to incorporate more illustrations and diagrams in these textbooks to facilitate learning and comprehension. Many existing atlases concentrate primarily on surgical techniques. However, it is also important for medical students to understand the diagnosis and treatment of surgical illnesses. To address this need, a surgical atlas that features images and explanatory notes relevant to the topics being studied would be an invaluable resource. This general surgery atlas is designed to teach medical students the essentials of general surgery through images and brief explanations of common cases, thus generating interest and familiarity.

However, it must be emphasized that this atlas of general surgery is only meant to serve as a supplement. Medical students and colleagues must seek the expertise of specialist general surgeons for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

I hope that the Atlas of General Surgery – Primary Atlas will be a valuable resource for medical students.

Atlas of General Surgery - Primary Atlas


            In 2004, I earned my medical degree from Ankara University School of Medicine. I was then awarded a scholarship from the Turkish Education Foundation (TEV) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to pursue a Master's degree in Molecular Bioengineering at Dresden Technical University in Germany. After completing my Master's degree in 2006 with a thesis titled "Atomic Force Microscopy of Changes in Cell Morphology after Scrapie Infection", I gained valuable experience as an internal medicine resident at Fachkrankenhaus Coswig and Greifswald University hospitals. In 2007, I passed the German Medical Equivalency Exam.

I began general surgery residency at Gazi University School of Medicine in 2008, and I was awarded ECFMG certification after passing the United States Medical Licensing Examination in 2010. I received my General Surgery Specialist degree from Gazi University School of Medicine in 2014, and I worked as a general surgeon at Zonguldak Devrek State Hospital until 2017. I served as a faculty member at the Department of General Surgery at Aksaray University School of Medicine until 2019. Afterward, I completed my subspecialty training in Intensive Care Medicine at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University School of Medicine between 2019 and 2022. I am now working as an Intensivist in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit at Ankara Etlik City Hospital.

Drawing from my professional experiences and insights gained through my time abroad, I have realized that exposure to diverse research centers, cultural interactions, and education that employs innovative methods and techniques are crucial for scientific advancement. With this in mind, I wrote the books "Medical Education and Residency in Germany," "Medical Residency in the United States," "Medical Communication in German," and "Postgraduate and Doctoral Education in Germany" to guide those who aspire to receive education in Germany and the United States of America. Additionally, these books were written to guide medical students who wished to engage in scientific research and make contributions to the field through a combination of clinical and laboratory studies.

As a general surgeon, I have written this surgical atlas to enhance the theoretical knowledge of medical students in their general surgery courses by presenting real-life case images. The information provided on the depicted diseases is based on my patient archive and is up-to-date, making this atlas unique and valuable for medical students. I hope that this atlas of general surgery will be beneficial to medical students during their general surgery clerkships.

                                                    Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Eren Yuksel

                                           General Surgeon and Intensive Care Specialist

                                                             e-mail: doctormehmeteren@yahoo.com

                                                                        Ankara, October 2023

Monday, October 02, 2023

4. Uluslararası Kanser Günleri


Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi tarafından 28-30 Eylül 2023 tarihleri arasında 4. Uluslararası Kanser Günleri düzenlendi. Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi'nin ev sahipliğinde ve Kanser Çalışmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi'nin (KANAM) öncülüğünde düzenlenen kongrede, prostat kanseri başta olmak üzere kanser alanındaki son tıbbi gelişmeler ele alındı. Gerçekleştirilen organizasyonda Prof. Dr. Esat Korğalı ve Kanser Çalışmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (KANAM) müdürü Prof. Dr. Zekiye Hasbek prostat kanseri ve tedavisi hakkında önemli açıklamalarda bulundular. Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi tarafından 28-30 Eylül 2023 tarihleri arasında düzenlenen 4. Uluslararası Kanser Günleri’ne Ankara Etlik Şehir Hastanesi’nden Doç. Dr. Mehmet Eren Yüksel, Op. Dr. Metin Yarıcı ve Op. Dr. Berkay Küçük üç sözlü bildiri ile katıldılar. Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Rektör Yardımcısı Prof. Dr. Hilmi Ataseven kongreye katılanlarla bizzat ilgilendi.

Abdominal Ultrasonography And Colonoscopy Should Be Performed Before Inguinal Hernia Surgery To Identify Factors That Would Increase Intraabdominal Pressure


Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Eren Yuksel

Etlik City Hospital, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Ankara, Turkiye

Introduction: Spermatic cord lipoma, sarcoma, inguinal lipoma, and lymphadenopathy may mimic inguinal hernia. Therefore, ultrasound imaging should be performed routinely to confirm hernias before surgical intervention. Moreover, other intraabdominal pathologies that would increase intraabdominal pressure to cause inguinal hernia should be examined prior to surgery. Thus, we propose a novel approach involving routine abdominal ultrasonography and colonoscopy to evaluate intraabdominal pathologies in patients complaining of inguinal hernia over the age of 50.

Method: Routine abdominal ultrasonography and colonoscopy were included as parts of our diagnostic process for individuals presenting with suspected inguinal hernias. The primary goal of this comprehensive evaluation was to uncover hidden concomitant illnesses causing elevated intraabdominal pressure. This procedure was followed not only in the Department of General Surgery at Ankara Gazi University School of Medicine but also at Zonguldak Devrek State Hospital and Aksaray University School of Medicine.

Result: A significant case emerged among the patients subjected to the proposed comprehensive assessment. A 55-year-old Caucasian male patient with a right inguinal hernia was diagnosed with pancreatic head carcinoma via preoperative abdominal ultrasonography. This finding highlighted the diagnostic power of incorporating routine abdominal imaging into inguinal hernia evaluation.

Conclusion: Our findings support a more nuanced preoperative assessment approach for inguinal hernia patients. Latent intraabdominal pathologies can be revealed by routine abdominal ultrasonography and colonoscopy, particularly in patients with inguinal hernia over the age of 50.

Keywords: abdominal ultrasonography, colonoscopy, inguinal hernia, intraabdominal pressure, preoperative evaluation

4. International Cancer Days, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas,  Turkiye. Date: 29.9.2023 

Can We Define A Measurable Laboratory Parameter Threshold To Initiate Cytokine Adsorption Therapy For Cancer Patients In The Intensive Care Unit?


Berkay Küçük, Metin Yarıcı, Mehmet Eren Yüksel

Etlik City Hospital, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Ankara, Turkiye

Introduction: Cytokine Adsorption Therapy (CAT) may provide relief from cytokine storms in critically ill cancer patients in the intensive care unit. These storms aggravate acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and cause multi-organ failure, increasing morbidity and mortality. The lack of universally accepted initiation criteria for CAT poses a significant challenge for the standardization of cytokine adsorption therapy. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the optimal initiation criteria for CAT by assessing changes in cytokine levels, complete blood count (CBC), and biochemistry panels.

Methods: This study included data from PubMed and Google Scholar between the years 2000 and 2023. The analysis of studies elucidating the relationship between various biomarkers and CAT initiation was conducted.

Results: Among the parameters studied, which included white blood cell (WBC) count, ferritin, interleukin-6 (IL-6), procalcitonin, and C-reactive protein (CRP), there is evidence that IL-6 levels may serve as a reliable indicator for initiating CAT. In critically ill cancer patients, elevated IL-6 levels correlate with the severity of cytokine storms and poor clinical outcomes.

Conclusion: The lack of universally accepted cut-off or threshold values for initiation criteria highlights the critical need for additional research. CAT may improve patient outcomes, reduces ARDS and multi-organ failure in the context of severe malignant diseases by addressing complex cytokine storms. This study not only emphasizes the importance of CAT in critical care, but it also emphasizes the need for standardized criteria to optimize its application for improved patient prognosis and survival rates.

Keywords: Cancer, Cytokine Adsorption Therapy, Intensive Care Unit, Threshold

4. International Cancer Days, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas,  Turkiye. Date: 28.9.2023

Fresh Frozen Plasma Plus Furosemide As a Potential Human Albumin Substitute in Cancer Patients in Resource-Limited Settings

4. International Cancer Days, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas,  Turkiye. Date: 28.9.2023


Metin Yarıcı, Mehmet Eren Yuksel

Etlik City Hospital, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Ankara, Turkiye

Introduction: Human albumin's high cost and scarcity pose significant challenges in resource-constrained healthcare settings. Though concerns about bloodborne diseases, clotting factors, and adverse reactions remain, fresh frozen plasma (FFP) is emerging as a cost-effective alternative. This study looks into the feasibility of combining FFP and furosemide to address these concerns and provide a practical solution.

Methods: From 2000 to 2023, a comprehensive review of PubMed and Google Scholar was conducted to identify studies that used FFP as an alternative to human albumin. Data on clotting, transfusion reactions, and cost-effectiveness were extracted and analyzed.

Results: Despite the widespread preference for human albumin, the treatment with FFP and furosemide remains promising, particularly in resource-constrained settings. It is critical to administer FFP with caution, address transfusion reactions, and ensure ABO compatibility. The importance of safe transfusion practices and vigilant infectious disease risk management cannot be overstated. Choosing FFP wisely while avoiding unnecessary administration has clinical and economic benefits.

Conclusion: Given the general preference for human albumin in the medical literature, the combination of FFP and furosemide is promising in resource-limited healthcare. While more research is needed, careful examination of this strategy may solve problems associated with cost and availability of human albumin in low-income countries.

Keywords: Fresh frozen plasma, furosemide, human albumin, transfusions